ARA In The Community
ARA is proud to play an active part in supporting our community through sponsorships and volunteer support for deserving causes.
Community Sponsorships
Arts Project Australia
Arts Project Australia supports artists with intellectual disabilities through their studio and gallery, by promoting their work and advocating for their inclusion in contemporary art practice.
ARA has long been a strong supporter of the organisation. We have several examples of artists’ work on display throughout the office – something which allows us to further promote Arts Project’s wonderful work, and which adds a little colour to the meeting rooms!
If you would like to find out more, you can visit their website here:

Volunteer Support for charities
ARA provides up to three days annual leave per staff member per year so they can provide volunteer support services to causes important to them. Organisations supported in this way have included:

For 60 years, Oxfam has been tackling poverty and empowering communities all over the world. Our MD recently completed the Trek to Tackle Poverty through the picturesque (and very hilly!) Sapa Valley in North Vietnam, raising funds and visiting communities where Oxfam projects are currently taking place.

Morning teas for a cause
Four times a year the whole group gathers to hear a presentation from a selected team, regarding a cause they have researched and nominated as being deserving of our support. They are typically smaller organisations that fly under the radar of the mainstream philanthropic community, doing great work but always scratching for funds. ARA, and any of the team individually inclined, then make a substantial donation to the nominated cause.